Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Week six.

 So on Friday of week five, I had to get a shot. I've never had shots before and I have heard mixed stuff from everyone about the reactions to them. I guess I was already coming down with something, but I got my shot and it was fine at first. I still had to work and I started feeing really hot and sweaty. I'm  glad this was Friday. I didn't have shit to do except watch Mad Max. Friday night was rough, Saturday seemed a little better Sunday was better yet. Monday came and holy shit! I'm feeling like shit so for the last couple days it's been tough. I barely have energy, I'm tired and feel out of it. Melissa says she's feeling like shit too. I guess this is for the last couple times cause when Melissa was sick, I didn't get sick at all. So this is Thursday and I still feel it. I haven't felt this sick in awhile. I can't afford to miss days or I think I would have by now. There is improvement from yesterday and Monday, but damn. So it is Friday of week six. I feel better than I have all week, but still not all the way. This has been a very long week. Today is a good and bad day. It's a day I'll never forgot. I hope you have found peace. 

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