Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend review 7/13/13 - 7/14/13.

 Once again it's time for (drum roll) the weekend review! This weekend was the Marysville's Junk in the Trunk and the Rodz On 3rd car show. We went last year too. I didn't take any pictures at the car show but there was an extremely sweet 1964 Chevrolet C10 truck there. Link is not for the truck at the show. I should have taken a picture of the truck. I'm disappointed in myself now, but oh well. Earlier in the week, had a sweet deal for the Alien Anthology on Blu-ray. Side note I thought four movies of a series was called a quadrilogy or a tetralogy? When did that change? I found the old dvd cover of the Alien Quadrilogy here. I was right that, it used to be called that. Okay rant over, Ha ha.

 I couldn't pass this deal up. I had to screen grab the deal and sweet talk Melissa, to let me get it. Ha ha.

The end result of me begging. Sweet Blu-ray goodness of Alien Anthology in all it's glory.
 First we went to the Junk in the Trunk sale. I got really sunburned but my sweet deal below made it worth it. 

This whole bundle for 40 bucks. Sweet! Star Wars The Complete Saga on Blu-ray. Transformers 1 and 2 on Blu-ray
 So we had to get some lunch and we went home. I popped in Transformers. Nothing could be sweeter.

Nerdgasm. (Side note food is not burnt. The filter made it dark.)

 Later on I was looking at my other score from the show and guess what I found? The Revenge Of The Fallen case had Dark Of The Moon in it instead of Revenge Of The Fallen. What in the hell is that? Now I'm catching crap from people saying, "Ben, why didn't you look in the cases before you bought them?" I will say, "I was caught up in the moment." Oh well whatever. I basically got it for free. Regular price on Amazon is 89  bucks for the Star Wars Complete Saga on Blu-ray and Transformers 1 and 2 is about 27 bucks together.

 You might be thinking well what's wrong with Dark of the Moon on Blu-ray? I will say I already own it and I was trying to complete the trilogy. Oh and the cardboard cover was labeled 2 disc special edition and it was just a single movie. Major fail. Saturday night we went to our neighbors house for a party. We came home from the party I popped in A Good Day to Die Hard. I liked the movie but I thought it was way over the top and unbelievable for the realism aspect. The first die Hard movies were still kind of believable but borderline. I actually had came up with my version of Die Hard 5. Not tooting my own horn or anything but I thought my idea was really good. I'm wondering if they are going to try and continue the series with John McClain's son as the role? It was cool that the same girl from Live Free Or Die Hard played his daughter in this one too.

 Sunday I had to grown up stuff and blah, blah, blah. It was a very sweet weekend and I can't wait for another one like this. I hope you had a great weekend. Buyer beware of mislabeled Blu-ray movies. Check the disc's out before you buy. Ha ha. Till next time. 

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